StopPests Data Collection
Who we survey
StopPests Consultants, Pilot Property IPM Coordinators, and Residents
The process
- After signing the commitment to work with StopPests, the IPM Coordinator completes the pre-IPM questionnaire
- As soon as possible, the IPM Coordinator works with the StopPests Evaluation Specialist to administer an IRB-approved resident survey
- The StopPests Consultant keeps track of basic site information, when IPM benchmarks are reached, and what support documents the housing provider needs in the StopPests Portal
- After one year, the IPM Coordinator works with the StopPests Evaluation Specialist to administer the resident survey again
- After one year, the IPM Coordinator completes the follow up questionnaire
- After one year, the StopPests Consultant completes a questionnaire on the pilot program.
Other metrics we use to evaluate our program
- Google Analytics on the pages
- Facebook Insights for
- The number and types of requests that come through
- Distribution of our blog
- Feedback through comments on our course evaluations, webinars, and social media
- Feedback from e-mails (