Which pests are most common in housing?
Although pest populations vary by region, the top four indoor pests are:
- Ants (Acrobat, Argentine, Carpenter, Crazy, Ghost, Imported Fire Ants [Red, Black, Hybrid], Little Black, Little Thief, Odorous House, Pavement, or Pharaoh)
- Bed Bug (Cimex lectularius)
- German Cockroach (Blattella germanica)
- House Mouse (Mus musculus)
Pests that are mainly outdoors, but are still a burden to PHAs include:
- American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana) a.k.a. Palmetto Bug
- Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus) a.k.a. Brown Rat or Sewer Rat
- Roof Rat (Rattus rattus) a.k.a. Black Rat
- Termite (various species such as Drywood, Eastern Subterranean, and Formosan Subterranean)
Other urban pests include:
- Bees/Wasps/Hornets (Bald-faced, Honey, Eastern Cicada Killer, European Paper, Yellowjacket)
- Beetles (Cabinet/Warehouse, Cadelle, Cigarette, Confused Flour, Drugstore, Khapra, Merchant Grain, Red Flour, Sawtoothed Grain, Weevils [Granary, Rice], Yellow Mealworm)
- Birds (European Starling, Pigeon/Rock Dove, Gull)
- Cat Fleas
- Cockroaches (Asian, Australian, Brown-banded, Oriental, Smoky Brown)
- Earwigs
- Flies (Blow/Bottle, Cheese Skipper, Cluster, Deer, Drain/Moth/Filter/Sewage Gnat, Fruit/Vinegar, Fungus Gnats, Horse, House, Phorid, Sphaerocerid, or Stable)
- House Centipedes
- Millipedes
- Mosquitoes
- Moths (Angoumois Grain, Indian Meal)
- Other Cimex spp. (Bat Bugs, Tropical Bed Bug, etc.)
- Pillbugs and Sowbugs
- Silverfish and Firebrats
- Spiders (Black Widow, Brown Widow, Brown Recluse)
- Ticks (Lone Star, Blacklegged/Deer, American Dog, Brown Dog)
- White-footed Mice
- Wildlife: Feral Cats, Bats (Little Brown, Big Brown)
See the pest solutions page for information on managing these pests.