HUD Region 1 IPM in Public and Multifamily Housing Course

Welcome to the IPM in Public and Multifamily Housing online course for HUD Region 1.

This course was held July - August 2023 but you can watch the recordings below:


July 26 - watch the recording here: Introduction to IPM and Pesticide Use
August 2 - watch the recording here: Cockroaches
August 9 - watch the recording here: Rodents
August 16 - watch the recording here: Bed Bugs

Take the quiz

Course Description:
The IPM in Multifamily Housing Course was designed to help housing professionals provide safe and effective pest control in their communities.

The course covers:
1. The biology, behavior and health risks of the major pests of housing (bed bugs, cockroaches, and rodents);
2. How to effectively prevent and manage pests within a housing community with the least risk of pesticide exposure for residents and staff; and
3. How to troubleshoot pest control failures.



Contact if you have any questions.


Handouts for the course

PDFs of Slides:

Session 1. Introduction to IPM and Pesticide Use

Session 2. Cockroaches

Session 3. Rodents

Session 4. Bed Bugs


Workplan - this is a worksheet for you to think about who will do what and contract language to consider

IPM Log Example focus unit tracking sheet

Safety Data Sheet (sample)

NPIC graphic – Reading Pesticide labels

HUD IPM Notice PIH 2011-22

HUD Bed BugNotice PIH 2012-17

Roles & Responsibilities- IPM team job descriptions

Helpful resident engagement materials:

Bed Bug Poster (English or Español)

Tenant Bed Bug Policy

Tri-fold flyer – Tenant’s role in IPM

Resident’s guide: Stop Cockroaches!   Spanish: Detenga las Cucarachas!

Resident’s guide: Stop Mice! Spanish: Detenga los Ratones!

Resident’s guide: Stop Bed Bugs! Spanish: Detenga las Chinches!

NYS IPM Program’s Bed Bug Management - One Step at a Time illustrated guide,

--- Spanish - Manejo de las Chinches - Un Paso a la Vez


PDFs of the slides:

Session 1. Introduction to IPM and Pesticide Use

Session 2. Cockroaches

Session 3. Rodents

Session 4. Bed Bugs